I’m taking this Slavic Saturday as a bit of a break from myths and instead use today as an update on my writing and publishing progress. If you’re disappointed, don’t worry. I will be back with more Slavic mythology in the coming weeks and months.

Update on A Dagger in the Winds
Since my last update, a lot of work has been done on the first book of The Frostmarked Chronicles, my Slavic fantasy series. My awesome beta readers gave me feedback in January, and overall, it was very positive. There’s always things to improve, though, so I spent most of the month tweaking A Dagger in the Winds based on their feedback. This included a new prologue that better ties into the story as well as various smaller changes (Newsletter subscribers will be receiving full access to that prologue in next week’s email). The book is currently with a second wave of beta readers until April, when I’ll make the final revisions.
So far, A Dagger in the Winds is on schedule for a possible June release – earlier than I had expected – if all goes well. Early-bird pre-orders of signed and unsigned physical copies are available in my store, but if you would prefer an eBook copy or to purchase from another retailer, pre-orders elsewhere will begin with the cover reveal.
So, when will that cover reveal be?
Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 15th, when I’ll be showcasing the cover in both eBook, softcover, and hardcover forms for the start of the official pre-order period. The Ukrainian cover illustrator is Mariia Lytovchenko (@Marichka__Art on Instagram), and the Serbian final designers are Deranged Doctor Design. If you want to be the first to see the cover, you can join my newsletter and get exclusive first access to the reveal.
Until then, though, enjoy the images throughout this article from our photo shoot along with a sneak peek quote below.

Progress on Book 2 of The Frostmarked Chronicles
Well, I thought I was going to have this one done by the end of February, but between life busyness and the beta edits of A Dagger in the Winds, it didn’t happen. That shouldn’t be much of a problem, though. I am currently in the final stages of the first draft of the book, and I’m extremely excited to begin sharing more about it around and after the release of A Dagger in the Winds.
I also recently received the initial sketches from Marichka for the cover illustration, and it has me giddy for this one. Both inside and out, book 2 takes the world and story of The Frostmarked Chronicles to a whole new level. Look forward to this one being released in winter of this year if all goes well.
Prequel Novella: The Rider in the Night – Free for Newsletter Subscribers
Not too much to update here. The first draft is complete, but my focus has been on the main books for now. Once book 2’s draft is finished, I’ll be diving into edits for The Rider in the Night in preparation for its release just after A Dagger in the Winds.
As it says in the header, be sure to join my monthly newsletter to grab this and future novellas for free. Newsletter subscribers will also be receiving exclusive access to the early cover reveal for this one.
That’s it for this month’s update. If you’ve been following my Slavic Saturday series, I’ll see you next week. Otherwise, I look forward to talking with you in my next monthly update.