The gods of death and darkness await.
Chosen. Having defeated the Frostmarked Horde, Otylia and her mother turn to ending winter’s lingering grip. But when Dziewanna’s ritual locks her into holding back Marzanna’s power in the living realm, she commands Otylia to follow the dead into the Way of Souls and defeat winter’s corruption at its source.
If only she knew how…
Crowned. Wacław labors beneath the burden of leading those who survived the Horde’s attack. They are his responsibility, but as a Naw born to protect the Way of Souls, he is the key to ensuring Otylia and his friends are to survive the trials ahead.
Except their foes have Nawie of their own…
Delve into the furthest depths of Slavic mythology in this adventure-filled finale to The Frostmarked Chronicles. The living do not belong among the dead, but the risen moon may be the only hope for the fallen stars.